Leo Marbelite, has been in business doing pool renovations including pool resurfacing (marbelite or pool plaster), pool tile and pool stone coping for over 33 years. During that time we have acquired and trained the best craftsmen to do this highly skilled work. Leo Marbelite, specializes in this work only which allows our craftsmen to master this trade and complete most challenging pool interiors and large size pools. We marbelite more pools than any of our competitors combined every year. Practicing this trade full time every day (not part time once or twice a week) enables us to have the most experienced tradesmen to marbelite your pool properly and efficiently.

Note: Some of our competitors split the pool into sections using a tile divider on the shallow end floor as a place to stop the application and complete the remainder at another time. Others will apply the marbelite semi-smooth and return the next day to grind out the many imperfections the next day. These are definite signs that the applicator does not have the necessary equipment or skilled manpower to complete the finish properly or efficiently.

Special additives to achieve maximum strength

Leo Marbelite is the leader and innovator in trying to achieve a better product for the customer. With years of research we have discovered a special combination of additives that we accompany to our premium factory pre-mixed material . These additives increase the strength quality and lengthen its life in a demanding underwater environment. Innovation like this has made us the leader in the pool plaster Marbelite industry servicing Toronto and all of Ontario.

Leo Marbelite spends more on supplying premixed material for your pool.
We believe in giving the customer what they paid for, a superior finish!


proud members of:

The National Plasters Council is an organization, which mainly consists of swimming pool marbelite applicators whose members are located globally. Research is conducted by this council on an ongoing basis and funded by membership dues and donations by its members. The research consists of strength and durability concerns about certain materials, corrosive water issues to pool finishes, and focuses on a code of ethics to its members towards the pool plastering industry.

Leo Marbelite Inc. is a proud member of this organization and has attended the annual conference EVERY YEAR since the year 2000. We believe that knowledge through education is what provides the customer with the best possible product which is what we strive to produce. We will not compromise materials or workmanship, guaranteed!

The Leo marbelite difference

A message from leo marbelite:

Leo Marbelite pneumatically (spray by pump) applies the marbelite material to the pool which results in better mixing and bonding. When the material is installed it is mixed in a gas mixer (not a drill), and pumped through a plaster hose at high velocity. As it travels through the hoses it is being mixed and as it is sprayed on the wall it inserts itself into the shell cavities providing a superior bond. We at Leo Marbelite honestly believe that it is a far superior installation method.

This is why the most reputable concrete pool builders in Ontario use Leo Marbelite to finish their pools. They realize that pneumatically applied premix quality controlled material together with a personal owner operated jobsite presence is the recipe for success when it comes to their pool marbelite needs.


Why is leo Marbelite better than the rest?

only the best materials and products are used by us

Leo Marbelite only uses factory quality controlled PRE-BLENDED brand materials. Our product brands are ARMORQUARTZsmooth marbelite, DIAMONDBRITE exposed quartz and RIVERROK pebble finishes. All these products have been time tested and have been installed in ten's of thousands of pools in North America and abroad. PRE-BLENDED products are factory formulated and ensure the proper amount of sized aggregate granual sizes. This ensures better compaction and a stronger density resulting in a superior concrete pool finish.

At Leo Marbelite we strive on providing our customers with the highest level of owner operated service and superior product when it comes to your concrete pool renovation. We provide Premium ARMORQUARTZ smooth marbelite, DIAMOND BRITE exposed quartz and RIVER ROK pebble pool finishes. Other services include pool tile and stone coping installations with 33 years of experience. Whether it's a smooth pool quartz marbelite finish or our new line of exposed aggregate finishes from SGM and WetEdge, Leo Marbelite Inc., will be unmatched by product, service and workmanship when it comes to resurfacing your concrete swimming pool.

Resurfacing (remarbelite) pools is what we know, and what we do best. We take pride at being number one in the Canadian pool market by providing a product line and application techniques that are far superior to any of our competitors. ALL our materials are PRE-BLENDED at the factory in order to achieve material consistency and workability with every batch creating a strong reliable product that has been applied to pools in Ontario for over 40 years.

With concrete pools contracted to us by our loyal pool companies, we have marbelited over 8,500 concrete pools which make us industry leaders and professionals at our craft. Second best is just not an option! 

Leo Marbelite 


1. How long has your company been in business?

2. Do you use factory specified premix or pre-blended quality controlled material for your application?

3. Is the material sprayed on for better mixing and bonding?

4. Do you have the proper amount of skilled tradesmen to complete the marbelite finish coat in one consistent application?

You may be asking yourself how Leo Marbelite Inc., acquires enough pools to marbelite every day from spring to end of fall? As you have noticed, most of the pictures on this website are pools built by the four most reputable concrete pool builders in Ontario. In most cases when these high end pool companies build a concrete pool, Leo Marbelite Inc., is called to complete the marbelite finish application. Leo Marbelite Inc., is a company which they can trust to complete the application from A to Z with the highest of standards. This keeps our skilled craftsmen marbeliting every day, just making us more qualified and experienced with every passing year. Whether it's a whirlpool or a 25 ft x 50 ft swimming pool, the Leo name is one you can count on to get it done right when it comes to concrete pool resurfacing.

Marbelite Applied by Pump truck


Leo Marbelite

Pre-mixed advantage

Competitors on-site


Stronger and Denser

No Mixing Errors

Consistency in Colours

Controlled Aggregate Size

Consistent Workability

Less Costly for Applicator

Celebrating 33 Years of 

Concrete Pool Renovations

& Surfacing

Qualified Applicators

CALL: 416-740-8773

Having factory PRE-MIXED materials vs: competitors on-site batching

Leo Marbelite